Streamlining Operations for Multi-Location Yoga Studio


With a clear, consistent email marketing strategy focused on customer experience, Kaia saw 140% growth in recurring memberships.


Gina Norman, Owner

I feel very lucky to have found Catalina at the start of the pandemic. I do not think my Yoga business would have survived without her hands on help. She helped me navigate a platform change, optimize my Brandbot and has been there to help in crucial moments. Her attention to detail, understanding of the fitness industry and ability to take initiative, as well as her team, have helped our business and continue to help our business grow.
— Gina Norman, Owner of Kaia Yoga

The Challenge

As a multi-location studio brand, scaling growth efficiently was top of mind for Kaia. Streamlining operational processes, restructuring the marketing strategy to meet the needs of evolving clientele, and creating a strong social media presence were all crucial.


The Strategy

Starting with a complete evaluation of operational processes and the customer experience, we identified the strengths and weaknesses of the business. We were quickly able to pinpoint areas where a great impact could be made. Energies were focused on implementing automations to support the client experience, enhancing CRM efforts to bolster retention, and updating outdated processes and technologies.


The Result

Simplifying their operations gave Kaia an opportunity to focus on what really matters: their clients. With a tuned-up marketing suite, a social media presence with a clear voice, and an enhanced capacity to connect with clients, Kaia saw an increase in retention numbers across the board, improving new client acquisitions, membership conversions and overall sales.


Email Marketing Strategy & Creation for Optimal Membership Conversion


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