Winning At Retention: Strategies for Yoga and Fitness Studios

Running a fitness or yoga studio isn't just about getting people to join. It's about keeping them coming back. Studies show that it costs approximately five times as much to attract new clients than it does to keep current ones. For many studios, between 60% and 73% of new clients won't return after their first visit. But if you can improve your retention rate, your revenues can soar. Here are some retention strategies that we recommend for yoga and fitness studio owners.

Winning At Retention: Strategies for Yoga and Fitness Studios

1. Focus on developing a community

People often see a studio as more than just a place to work out. They seek a sense of belonging and socialization. (In fact, community was one of the main things gym-goers missed during the COVID-19 pandemic, and in many cases, even more so than the workout itself!) Encourage community growth by organizing special events, such as potlucks, outings and retreats. Add a Friday evening Happy Hour or a movie night if you have the space. And never forget the benefits of hosting a challenge!

2. Hone in on the value of loyalty

Offering a loyalty program which rewards frequent clients can be a game-changer. This kind of program fosters a sense of pride for members who reach higher status, and may be just the motivation some clients need to keep coming back or stay consistent.

3. Structure your pricing to focus on memberships

If you find your clients are navigating to the drop-in, it’s likely priced too low. You want to be sure your pricing is aligned with your customer journey, and either points customers to an unlimited or limited membership to encourage retention and growth.

4. Invest in your software

Many people love the ease and convenience of signing up for classes via their phone or tablet. Consider exploring ways to offer an user-friendly mobile app or scheduling software platform that enables clients to reserve class spots and handle payments themselves. Doing so can boost client experience and satisfaction, leading them to pick your studio over others. If your current software isn’t user-friendly, you might want to consider other options.

Winning At Retention: Strategies for Yoga and Fitness Studios

5. Incentivize personal experiences and offer value-add services

While developing community is key, there are clients who love the personalized attention and coaching of one-on-one or small group classes instead. Try to develop your one-on-one or small group offerings, potentially starting with trial session packages and evaluate clients’ interests to ensure the best experience and personalized approach. Offering additional services such as nutrition consulting or wellness workshops, could entice clients who seek value beyond just a typical yoga class or workout routine.

6. Last but not the least, regularly check up on your clients

Communication is key in retaining clients. A simple email or text message, thanking them for coming to class that day, can be a thoughtful way to show them you care about their well-being beyond their appointment. And with many software platforms, these messages can be automatic. Get feedback from clients regularly, ask about instructors, class times and equipment. Make improvements, and always be listening to feedback, offering samples or incentives to those who participate.

Remember that building a loyal client base takes effort and investment. Effective strategies are those that develop a powerful sense of community, offer tangible value of memberships and personalized services, prioritize convenience and transition to technology, and prioritize communication and listening to feedback. Through these steps, you'll be well on your way to running a successful and fulfilling wellness space.

Telomere Consulting provides business consulting and marketing services to studio owners in the boutique fitness and yoga space. The Telomere team helps you navigate business strategy from conception to implementation. We provide end-to-end marketing support and would love to hear from you. Click here to book your free intro call. We want you to treat your business the way you treat your body – making the right choices now to optimize its potential for a long and healthy life. Visit us here to learn more.


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