Whether you like it or not, if you own a business you’re likely in a leadership role. Studio owners are no exception and often have to demonstrate their leadership in various ways, including to their team and to their community. We’ve found that strong studios are run by strong leaders, individuals who exhibit a few key characteristics that really propel a vision, create a culture, and encourage and reward commitment.

be a leader in your studio

Having the desire and drive to run your studio is key, but understanding how you lead, or whether you need to have someone else lead, is an essential part of success. Although there are dozens of qualities of a good leader, these five we find to be the most essential in separating the good from the great.

1. They possess self-awareness.

They possess self-awareness. Having good self-awareness means knowing and understanding the impact your words and non-verbal actions have on your team and community. It means recognizing when you’re reacting to something instead of responding to it, and adjusting your communication, tone and delivery accordingly.

2. They focus on relationships.

Good leaders understand and value relationships. They do not solely value their employees or instructors based on productivity or class retention size. In fact, research has shown that bosses who create relationships actually increase the productivity of their team as opposed to those that focus on the productivity on its own. If you’re trying to build a team of committed instructors or trainers, you want to understand what drives them, why they love what they do, and how you can support them in their individual growth. All of this requires having a relationship.

be a leader in your studio

3. They take action.

It takes determination and grit to run a studio or fitness business. You also have to have the mindset that action is better than inaction, at least some of the time. A body in motion stays in motion, right? Take that principle and apply it to your business. What decisions have you been sitting on? Are there simple choices you can make today that might have a more significant impact down the road? Practice taking action in small ways so that when bigger needs get thrown your way you’re prepared to answer with determination, grit and decisiveness.

4. They recognize the strength of their team.

To be a good leader you need to be able to create an environment where your employees/instructors can thrive. This means that an instructor feels empowered to share the mission or vision of your business to potential clients without worrying about whether it was done perfectly. They feel trusted and supported and also feel valued, which means that when they represent the studio they are going to do so with commitment and authenticity. Oftentimes, studio owners and business owners in general can get so caught up in the nitty-gritty that they forget it is important to give your team latitude to make choices. Do you have instructors who might do well with a bit more challenge, or that have talents that are underutilized? Taking notice of these things will not only help them to feel seen, it will make your business grow as you’ll have more individuals invested in its success.

be a leader in your studio

5. They are consistent.

Anyone who has been a parent understands this one. Predictability is key. When you act in a consistent manner, your employees and staff will not have to wonder or worry about how you’re going to respond. Consistency comes in two forms—communication and action. You want to be sure that you’re consistent on both fronts, which builds trust and reduces stress for your team.

Leadership is an evolving practice much like the fitness modalities we offer to our communities. We don’t “stop” once we’ve mastered these skills. We continue to evolve, practice and grow so that our leadership can set the tone for a positive work experience and a thriving studio community.

Telomere Consulting provides business consulting and marketing services to studio owners in the boutique fitness and yoga space. The Telomere team helps you navigate business strategy from conception to implementation. We provide end-to-end marketing support and would love to hear from you. Click here to book your free intro call. We want you to treat your business the way you treat your body – making the right choices now to optimize its potential for a long and healthy life. Visit us here to learn more.


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